September 2, 2014

The Red, White and.. Brown

Through the years I've had a ton of different haircoulors. Every so often I jump up, run to the store and buy the first hair dye that catches my eye. At the moment red is THE colour and for now I'm really happy with it, but somewhere in the back of my mind there's always a little voice jelling: 'Maybe another colour tomorrow!?'. The only type of haircolour I have never had is colours like blue, green and pink and it's just not my cup of tea. Some people look great with it, but unfortunately not many. You also need a very styled look to pull it off. So no more 'no-make-up-days', because most of the time you'll disappear or you'll look sick and that's not what we would like, isn't it?
No I live for the Red, White and the Brown. Black is not really an option, it would look too harsh on me. I believe I can say that I have had almost every type of red, every type of brown, and maybe once a good white. It's really hard to get my (to the core coloured) hair to a beautiful frozen blond. (While I'm typing this I'm suddenly realising people will think I'm referring to Elsa, but I didn't intent to. Still, you'll get the point.)

Ok, after this movie I kind of suddendly became blond?

The first time I became a blonde people didn't recognise me. In the beginning it was fun, but after a while it got quite frustrating. People really have a hard time remembering me, seems. I often have to refer to my previous haircolour to make them understand this isn't the first time we met. Some people, like the delivery guy at work, have introduced themselves several times. I could be insulted by it, instead I laugh and say once again: 'Nice to meet you.' and go on with whatever I'm doing at the moment. These things always happen when I just had a new haircut, dyed my hair or when I'm wearing make up or none at all. I always joke it doesn't take me a lot to go incognito..

The Red, White and Brown... :P

Some people choose their colours by the season, their age, their image. It is true that the colour of your hair influences the way people see you. When I was blonde, people treated me like I was dumb or silly. (I am silly, but you do not have to rub it in when I don't know you!) Red hair stands for a little crazy and expressive, but still not everyone takes you serious, unless you have a beautiful auburn colour (which is a red kind of brown in my humble opinion). The brown is a very adult colour and my favourite shade is ebony, like Snow White. People take me serious with brown hair, specially when I put on my glasses!
But does it really matter what colour I have? Not really, but I like to metamorphose myself into anything I can be and hair colour is a very important part of it. Today Red, Tomorrow Brown and Yesterday unfortunately Blond. (Since destroying my hair a third time would be plain stupid. Or I simply cannot remember anymore ;) )